Sunday, March 7, 2010

Guide to Treating Low Foot Arches and Over-pronation

A large number of patients who experience heel pain ignore them and think the pains will go away with rest and less activity. Nevertheless, in some cases the heel pain is an indication of something more serious. Malformed foot conditions such as overpronation or flat feet can lead to more serious conditions such as plantar fasciitis. This often crippling pain in the heel area of the foot can be treated in a operating room as an outpatient.

Overpronation and Fallen Arches Can Lead to Serious Anatomical Issues

According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, plantar fasciitis can be caused by faulty biomechanics and walking motion. These issues can include overpronation and flat foot, just to name a few. In cases when the lower leg biomechanics are out of step with the other parts of the body, excessive stress and pressure are put on structures of the foot that are not meant to take those stresses. For instance, excessive jarring or even being over your ideal weight can all be contributing causes for heel pain.

Solutions and Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

A procedure known as Instep Plantar Fasciotomy is one therapy for plantar fasciitis that is done under ankle block anesthesia (patient is awake but the foot is numbed). The plantar fascia is a ligament of tissue responsible for the extreme pain caused by this condition. The surgeon opens the heel through a small incision made above the affected area of the heel. The fluid-filled area and damaged tissue is taken out from the inflamed heel tissues. Once the opening is stitched up, a walking boot is required for about four to six weeks, depending upon the patient's recovery.

Overpronation and Fallen Arches Also Result in a Non-Surgical Fallen Arches

Low level sound frequencies are also being used today to treat certain foot problems. Denominated extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), this technology aims to use small levels of sound waves to destroy the affected tissues. It Is apparently counterproductive, but it isn't. The damaging of these tissues in tiny amounts actually instigates the body's healing response and cures the body of the painful issue. In a study done in the early part of this decade, it took eight-hundred study participants about 2 months to heal completely with about 85% success.

Cut Healing Time Dramatically with this Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

Finally, endoscopic plantar fascia removals are becoming more commonly used because of their short healing duration. In this medical treatment, the foot is anesthetized while the patient is alert. Given that some doctors may prefer to have the patient unconscious, that is also a valid way to perform the operation with reduced stress to the patient. Small slits are made in the lateral and anterior angles of the heel to access the affected areas. A tiny camera is used to help the physician to identify the plantar fascia ligament. Once it has been identified, it is surgically fixed so that it can heal properly.

Overpronation and Fallen Arches Can be Treated Before it Turns Into Plantar Fasciitis

Though surgery is only required in about 5% of plantar fasciitis cases, it's recommended to be aware of the procedures that surgeons are using today. Occupational and physical therapies are the best things patients can do after undergoing any of these procedures. Massages, exercises, and whirlpool therapy are just some of the many methods that can assist. For patients with walking gait abnormalities and biomechanics problems such as overpronation or flat foot, supportive orthotics insoles are advised to avoid the return of this painful condition.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Arch Supports and Massage Techniques for Shin Splints

Therapy for shin splint pain can be distressing for those unfortunate enough to suffer from this ailment. From the sensitive nerves to not being able to place pressure on the leg, it is one of the most painful foot ailments. Nonetheless, with the proper physician attention, shin splint pain relief is possible in most cases. Including the proper use of orthotics and a few new massage methods, relief is finally in sight.

Shin Splints is Caused by Several Factors

Shin splints are commonly occurring injuries that are caused by some of the following major factors:
• Anterior muscles that are out of shape or tight posterior leg muscles
• Jogging on a hard surface or a sudden increase of physical activity
• Having fallen arches
• Wearing poor athletic footwear including lack of heel cushion or shoes with little support

These factors can become a life-changing injury if your career depends upon your fitness level and being on your feet. Police officers, for example, they must maintain good fitness so they can keep up with their requirements on the job. With better upkeep of fitness, however, shin splint pain can quickly cause many problems in the long term.

Make Foot Orthotics a Part of Your Footwear Routine

Medical studies have proven that arch supports help relieve shin splint pain by cushioning the heel as well as providing arch support. These are a few of the major reasons listed above that can be handled immediately. Some athletic arch supports are specially made to cushion the heels and support the feet. These devices diminish the impact to be absorbed into the inserts rather than allowing the joints to absorb most of the impact. For people with flattened arches, arch supports made for for sports can be purchased with firm arches so that proper arch support is provided to the feet. The use of appropriate arch support is essential to the efficient functioning of our feet.

Treating Shin Splints Involves More than Resting

Stretching and strengthening the lower leg muscles as well as icing the area and taking anti-inflammatory drugs can really help, but there’s more that can be done. Massage therapy can cause a marked improvement in the overall healing time. One of the massage methods is to massage under water. Massaging underneath cold water is recommended, because it can greatly help to lessen the swelling.

Learn How Massage Can Alleviate Shin Splints

One underwater massage method involves first dunking the lower legs in a container with ice cubes. This will lessen the swelling and also help the nerves to become less irritated. Never press thumbs into the shins, since this can cause extreme discomfort for the person. Instead, without even touching the person, have them point their toes and flex their foot while their shins are submerged. This not only self-massages the inner muscles, but helps bring blood to the area. It also strengthens the anterior tissues while stretching the posterior muscles simultaneously.

Learn How Massagers Can Remove Shin Splints

Another massage that is highly effective for shin splint pain is by way of a battery-operated or plug-in massager that vibrates as it massages. With tossues ultra-sensitive to being touched, giving a skin-to-skin massage simply isn’t the best option. Some types wrap around the leg via a neoprene sleeve while others are in the shape of a square and can be placed flat on the floor or on top of the shin. For stiff posterior leg muscles, a roller-type massage machine (handheld) can also be great for massaging calf muscles.

You no longer have to let shin splint pain stop you from living. With the everyday use of arch supports and these massage therapies; shin splint pain can be painless and aid in healing.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Metatarsalgia and Mortons Neuroma: Promising Alternative Therapies

During those periods when foot discomfort stops you from being mobile, there seems to be nothing that can help, other than to get off your feet. Seemingly never-ending doctor's appointments, work losses, inactivity, and even putting on pounds can all be side effects of persistent pain in your feet. However, there are effective solutions available. Eastern acupuncture, special massage methods, high heel orthotics, and foot creams and oils can help your feet be renewed and free of discomfort.

Your feet will have not only less pain in the foot ligaments such as ball of foot pain, but the fluid accumulation will subside so that sensitive areas can heal and be calmed. Foot muscles can also be a source for extreme pain in the feet and toes.. All three of these soothing, all natural fixes will have you free from foot pain right away.

Trying Needle Therapy Can Pay Off Big Time with Mortons Neuroma

Eastern acupuncture is the practice of gently pushing hair-thin needles into "chi", which are regions in the body to rejuvenate the energy and blood flow that has been interrupted by injury. This can easily happen on our feet with athletic activities, wearing high heels, and with certain foot conditions such as metatarsalgia and Morton's Neuroma. Treatment for Morton's Neuroma can start with a variety of massage techniques and needle acupuncture to relieve tender nerves and help to start the healing process.

Certified acupuncture professionals practice a valuable art in that they are almost always able to effectively eliminate constant foot pain in their patients. In 90's study reported in the journal "Acupuncture in Medicine", specialists have discovered that electrical stimulation of the needles boosted blood flow to the problem areas and improved recovery.

Trying Massage Therapy Can Speed Healing Time for Mortons Neuroma

Healthy blood flow is necessary when trying to help ailments that affect our feet. Massage methods can help with ball of foot pain and aid in Morton's Neuroma. These methods are becoming very popular among doctors, sports medicine professionals, reflexologists, and physical therapists. By massaging the bottoms of the feet with a gentle sweeping touch, blood flow is brought to the feet instantly.

Explained by the American Massage Therapy Association, two great methods involve specifically using the thumbs. Several methods seem to work best, including the sliding rub and walking methods. With the first technique, the thumbs are held on the top of the feet and then move in a back and forth motion up and down. The second technique involves the thumbs being positioned on the bottom of the feet and are walked upwards while pressing steadily.

Nature's Little Miracles Help Ball Of Foot Pain

There's no one smarter than Mother Nature when it comes to foot cures. Some of the best foot creams and oils have natural oils included to provide relief, freshen, and improve blood flow. Menthol is one of the most commonly used oils. Drawn out from the leaves of the mint plant, once applied to the skin, menthol provides a cooling sensation.

Eucalyptus and camphor are also sometimes found in foot creams and oils. These compounds have similar advantages to menthol because they provide a cooling sensation and help to increase blood flow. Aloe also helps fight dry skin and cleanses feet while giving lubrication during massage therapy. For those who need a good soak in a warm foot bath, Epsom salts help detoxify the feet while lessening inflammation.

One of the key ways to get a handle on foot pain caused by wearing shoes with high heels are high heel orthotics. These devices provide support for your foot arches and metatarsals, thus diminishing the stress on our metatarsals.

Whether you have ball of foot pain, are already using high heel orthotics, or need Morton's Neuroma; acupuncture, massage, and foot oils can help. Feel your best and get back on your feet today by trying out these three amazing techniques.