Monday, December 8, 2008

Treatment For Foot Pain Symptoms Using Arch Support Inserts

It is a fact that foot pain disorders are very common; about 70% of people will suffer foot pain at some time in their lives. With every step we take, a force of 2-3 times our body weight is placed on our feet. Considering that during a typical day we take 8,000-10,000 steps, it comes as no surprise that at some time in our lives we will all suffer from foot pain disorders.

Our feet are complex structures, consisting of 26 bones and 33 joints, layered with an intertwining web of more than 120 muscles, ligaments, and nerves. Here is an overview of the most common types of foot pain, why they occur, and what you can do to alleviate these foot pain disorders.

Foot Pain Conditions: Most Common Ailments

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is caused by small tears accompanied by inflammation along the ligaments and tendons stretching from the heel towards the ball of the foot. The affected area is known as the Plantar Fascia, and serves as one of our bodies' shock absorbers. It resembles a bow string, and forms the arch of the foot. Sharp heel pain, especially during our first steps after getting up in the morning, is often associated with this type of foot ailment. The kind of footwear being worn often plays an important role in providing relief from foot pain. Podiatrists recommend orthotic insoles as plantar fascitis treatment to help relieve this condition in many people.

Ball of Foot Pain

Pain in the ball of the feet is also referred to as Metatarsalgia, and takes place when the forefoot bones (metatarsals) drop and the ligaments which surround them weaken. As a result, the forefoot structure collapses, leading to excessive friction and pressure under the ball of the foot. In most cases, orthotic shoe inserts with proper arch and metatarsal support can provide significant relief for this condition.

Achilles Tendonitis

The tendon joining the calf muscle and the heel bone is called the Achilles Tendon, and is the largest tendon in our bodies. This tendon also supports most of the weight of our entire body. Intense or excessive sports activities involving the feet, and in certain cases, arthritis may cause this type of foot pain. In cases where over-pronation contributes to the problem, orthotic insoles are recommended to help relieve these types of foot pain disorders. Adequate rest and exercises to strengthen the calf muscles are often helpful in the healing process.

Heel Spurs

Heel spurs consist of bony growths that can cause sharp pain and discomfort around the heel bone (calcaneus). Heel spurs are typically a consequence of having plantar fasciitis. This painful bony growth on the heel is the result of continued pulling of the fascia as a result of over-pronation. The usual plantar fasciitis treatment involving the use of orthotic insoles can prevent and relieve these types of foot pain disorders.

Shin Pain

Runners frequently experience pain in the shin area, a condition which is known as Shin Splints, which involves soreness of the front or inside section of the shin bone. Shin splints can also be the result of extreme sports activities, and is a condition that can take a long time to heal. . Muscle imbalances or tight leg muscles caused by improper running posture can also lead to shin pain. Excessive foot pronation can also be a major contributing factor to shin splints. Over-pronation leads to internal tibial rotation and increases the tractional forces upon the muscles and ligaments in the lower leg. In these cases, orthotic insoles can be helpful in providing relief to these foot pain disorders

If your foot pain disorders worsen or become chronic despite the use of orthotic insoles, it is recommended that you consult with a podiatrist.

1 comment:

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