Friday, March 20, 2009

Orthotic Arch Supports: Treatment for Plantar Fascitis Pain and Heel Pain In Runners

Foot arch pain in runners can become an excruciating experience. Once you encounter heel or arch pain, it may be difficult to adjust your lifestyle if you are used to being active. It is important for runners to be aware of the symptoms and treatments for some of the more common types of heel or foot arch injuries. Understanding the different types of sports injuries is the key to effective treatment of foot arch pain in athletes.

Plantar Fascia Pain Explained

When the plantar fascia, a thick, fibrous band of connective tissue in the sole of the foot that supports the arch of the foot is inflamed, it causes plantar fasciitis. It attaches the ball of the foot to the heel. This band of tissue supports your full body weight when the feet are on the ground. Inflammation occurs when this tissue is stretched too far and tears. A sudden movement or the effects of long-term stress can cause this condition.

Heel Pain In Athletes May Often be Caused by Plantar Fascia Pain

There are a number of reasons why plantar fasciitis causes foot arch pain in athletes. Runners often have exercise routines that are simply too long, and too stressful on the feet and plantar fascia, and those with flat feet can be at a higher risk. Combining shoes that lack proper arch support and running routines that are too extensive puts repetitive stress on the plantar fascia, particularly where it connects to the heel. Severe pain is caused as a result of the inflammation of the torn fibers.

The most common causes of Plantar Fasciitis include:

  • excessive pronation of the feet
  • weight gain
  • sudden increase in physical activity such as playing sports or running
  • shoes that do not fit properly and deficient arch support

Heel pain is commonly felt on the bottom of the foot, where the plantar fascia attaches to the heel bone. Due to the fact that the fascia constricts when you sleep, you will typically feel the most pain in the mornings. When you get up, the sudden stretch and load of your body weight pulls on the attachment to the heel bone. Symptoms of foot arch pain in athletes vary from mild to severe. The pain may linger for months at a time, with pain increasing and decreasing in an unpredictable pattern. Frequently, the pain goes away for several weeks, only to re-emerge full-blown after a single workout or change in activity.
The pain may even temporarily fade as you walk. Runners often develop Plantar Fasciitis, and along with the triggers discussed above, may occur by sudden increase in your training schedule, or by switching running surfaces. This is evident, especially when going from a soft surface to a harder one.

Ways to Prevent Plantar Fascia Pain

While plantar fascia pain can be treated, it does not heal quickly. foot arch pain in athletes can be avoided in a number of ways. Most sports physiotherapists recommend the following approach to prevent Plantar Fasciitis:

Stretch - before, during, and after intenseactivity. Tight hamstring and/or calf muscles (in back of thigh) limit range of motion and put extra strain on the plantar fascia. Preventing strain by warming up the muscles and joints can prove to be helpful. Performing plantar fasciitis exercises to stretch the plantar fascia is highly recommended.

Adequate Footwear and Orthotic Arch Supports – Ensure that you have good footwear. An effective way to improve foot biomechanics is to wear orthotic shoe inserts inside the shoes. Try not to walk barefoot, even when at home. Make sure your shoes provide support, and get used to running on a soft surface.

Change Your Activity – Consider swimming or cycling, as they may be a better exercise option for you. When you begin running, start at a much lower level of intensity and a shorter distance, then you can build up gradually. Lessen the time you spend on your feet and reduce the intensity of your training.

Ice – Decrease inflammation and pain by applying ice to your heel. Set your foot on a bag of frozen vegetables or a frozen bottle of water wrapped in a towel 3 or 4 times a day for five to ten minutes each time. Desensitized tissue can be at risk of ice burn, so never ice more than once an hour.

If the problem persists, talk to a podiatrist or physiotherapist.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mortons Neuroma and Ball Of Foot Pain: Causes and Relief Using Orthotic Shoe Inserts

Common Symptoms of Mortons Neuroma

A neuroma is identified by a non-cancerous lump of nerve tissue that is capable of growing in any part of the body. Mortons Neuroma occurs when there is compression to the nerve found between the third and fourth metatarsal bones in the foot, causing thickening of this nerve tissue. As the nerve is compressed, symptoms such as tingling and numbness of the toes start to occur. These symptoms are more noticeable when there is weight placed on the front of the foot, which causes a great deal of pain.

What Causes Mortons Neuroma?

Causes of Mortons Neuroma are not unequivocally clear, but anything that places abnormal pressure on this nerve can cause this tissue to thicken. Mortons Neuroma can be caused by wearing high heeled shoes that constrict the toes. Also, being flat-footed can cause the metatarsals to drop, which causes pressure on this nerve. Thickening of this tissue can also be caused by irritation to the nerve or injury.

A Common Cause of Metatarsalgia

Metatarsal pain is another foot condition that presents itself as pain in the this area. This ailment often happens to women who wear high heels, or people who wear shoes with no cushion or arch support. The bones in the foot can drop when the structure of the foot is weakend. When we wear shoes that do not provide enough support and cushioning we place excessive pressure on the ball of the foot and we experience pain. Also, people that suffer from excessive pronation can experience metatarsal pain in the ball of their feet. Over-pronation is a condition in which the ankles tend to roll inward and can lead to arch pain.

Diagnosis and Treatment for Mortons Neuroma

To properly treat this condition, one must get a proper diagnosis. A podiatrist usually examines the foot by pushing on the area of pain, squeezing the toes and pushing into the gap between the third and fourth toes. In some cases, he or she may be able to feel the neuroma. Doctors can also try to elicit Mulder’s sign, a clicking noise, by pushing on the area of pain. If the doctor is not able to feel a neuroma, he or she can employ other tools such as an x-ray to discount the possibility of any broken bones. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) allows physicians to clearly see a neuroma.

Treatments for Morton’s Neuroma can consist of several options, from resting the foot to surgery. In many cases the doctor will try the most conservative treatments first. Conservative treatments include resting the feet, wearing more comfortable shoes and trying orthotics to improve arch support. Orthotic arch supports also assist in distributing your weight more evenly over the entire foot, lessening the pressure on the ball of the foot. In many cases you will see an improvement by using a combination of these conservative treatments. In severe cases, where these options are not helpful, your doctor may prescribe injections to attempt to decrease the size of the neuroma. In extreme situations, surgery may be the only realistic approach.

Our foot care is an extremely important factor in our overall health and well-being. If you are suffering from intense pain in your feet, it is best to have a doctor examine your feet as soon as possible in order to determine the cause.