Friday, June 19, 2009

Problems Caused by Feet Overpronation Can be Treated with Orthotics

According to a study conducted by the American Podiatric Medical Association, a surprising 73 percent of those surveyed reported that they are suffering from foot pain. Why are more patients complaining of foot pain in the examination room? Most patients have issues with their feet because of: the kinds of shoes they wear, the activities they engage in, or the way their feet are formed. Using ill-fitting shoes can greatly exacerbate existing foot issues. People who engage in athletic activites are another segment of the population that are often afflicted by painful foot conditions. Factors such as flat feet, feet overpronation, and insufficient protection can all play a role in painful feet, ankles, and knees. Parents can be the reason for ill-formed feet because genetic traits help determine how the foot was formed in the womb. This can increase the chance of someone having pain issues with their feet.

Foot Biomechanics: The Evils of Overpronation and Over-supination

Flat feet can cause an inward rolling of the feet which can make activities painful. The foot is responsible for balance, stability, and bears the weight of the body. The parts of the foot that provide this balanced relationship with the body are the heel, arch, tarsals and metatarsals. The arch gives tremendous strength and flexibility so the foot remains stable. Pain can result from raised arches or abnormally-low arches, which can cause the foot to rotate abnormally. In high arches, the body’s weight is abnormally emphasized on the far perimeter of the foot , a condition known as over-supination. On the other hand, feet overpronation ensues with flat feet because the body’s weight is unevenly distributed toward the inside of the foot, forcing the feet to roll toward the inside .

Serious Foot Issues Occur with Overpronation
A quick test to see if flat feet or high arches are an issue is to go to a place where a foot impression can be made, such as on concrete. Sink one of the feet in cool water and then stand normally for a few seconds. Then, pick the foot up and look at the mark that remains. A foot with excessive pronation will leave a full print showing the entire surface area of the bottom of the foot. A high arch will leave just a portion of the ball of the foot’s, outside portion, and heel of the foot. Either of these arch dysfunctions can contribute to spurs of bone in the heel or treatment for plantar fasciitis because the foot takes repeated and excessive pressure where it isn’t supposed to.

Orthotics Give Much-Needed Relief for Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

People suffering from flat feet, heel spurs, or who need plantar fascitis treatment can experience relief for their pain if they use orthotics. They offer the needed support to fix the weak structures in the foot, such as those that make up the arch. They also offer cushioning in areas where repeated and excessive pressure in the ball of the foot and heel. Orthotics are available in several sizes and styles and are constructed to meet everyone’s needs no matter what their activity level.

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